Halloween is a time when people gather together to have fun. They come in costumes. They come to share ghost stories and watch scary movies. November 1 is among the most awaited dates in the calendar because most people from all around the word are just excited about the event. In the eve of October 31, many Halloween parties are being staged, to the delight of just about everyone.
It is just apparent that trick or treat has become a customary celebration associated with Halloween. It has become a fun activity more especially for children. They dress in their spookiest and weirdest costumes and come to every house in the neighborhood to ask for treats from homeowners. Those treats usually come in the form of candies and other sweet goodies. Sometimes, they collect coins. The question asked is ‘Trick or treat?’ thus the name for the activity. Trick refers to threat to perform a form of mischief to the homeowner or his property specifically if no treat is provided. In several areas in Scotland and Ireland, kids come guising. In this action, every child performs a talent show to earn treats. That show could be a song number or a dance performance.
Celebrations would be dull without decorations. In the past centuries, it was believed that Halloween decors were important in that they help drive away bad and harmful spirits. These days, such ornaments are considered part of the Halloween tradition. Enthusiastic decors provide expensive effects. Props are considered wickedly cool and spooky materials and costumes are musts. Most households even allot a significant amount of budget to fund various Halloween decorating tasks. But during this time of economic downturn, how could Halloween get spookier than ever without actually incurring high costs?
Halloween celebration need not be tedious and difficult. You could even go green. Being environmentally friendly would not take much effort. You could reuse old clothes and costumes. There is no need to buy new Halloween costumes every year. You could not only save money. You could save the environment. Why not recycle or reuse your old costumes? If you want variety, you could ask several of your friends to lend you their old costumes.
In turn, you could lend to them yours. This way, you would be wearing an entirely new costume, old, but something you have not worn on the previous Halloweens. You could save your children’s worn out and small costumes so that you could lend them or hand them to other children who may need fun and spooky Halloween costumes. Homes could even reuse or recycle decors and fun ornaments.
Halloween is for kids as well as for teens. Some people would even assert that it could also be for parents. In other words, it could be for everyone. But above all, kids and teens are the most excited about different events that are staged for the occasion. Adults just have fun preparing materials and organizing events for kids and teens on the day.